Monetary Theory

Displaying 1 - 12 of 40 results
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Aspects of the Pathology of Money
Professor Heilperin was the outstanding monetary theorist before and after the Second World War who explained the inflation dangers associated with mo...
Price: $14.95
Banking and the Business Cycle
Appeared in 1937 as an Austrian-style analysis of the stock market crash and the great depression that followed.
Price: $14.95
The Case for a 100 Percent Gold Dollar
Rothbard not only argues for the gold standard; he shows how it can be restored in a practical, step-by-step plan. No other system will stop the seemi...
Price: $5.00
Case for Gold Pocket Edition
A Minority Report of the U.S. Gold Commission
Price: $5.00
Case for Gold Pocket Edition - Audiobook
Click on the Audible or iTunes links to the right to purchase the fully functional audiobook, with true audiobook capabilities s...
Price: $3.75
Choice in Currency
A path-breaking essay by Hayek, newly in print in cooperation with the Institute of Economic Affairs
Price: $9.95
De Moneta of Nicholas Oresme: Treatise on the Origin, Nature, Law, and Alterations of Monies
De Moneta, provides a detailed account of the function of money and the effects of inflation.
Price: $30.00
Deflation and Liberty
Price: $7.95
Denationalisation of Money: The Argument Refined
Hayek's most radical case for the complete privatization of money.
Price: $12.00
Economics of Inflation, The
This is the most comprehensive and authoritative account of the great German inflation from 1914 to 1923."
Price: $25.00
Free Market Monetary System, A
A primer on Hayek, in Hayek's own words
Price: $5.00
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