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Austrian Economists Poster

Average Rating:
24x36 Inches
List Price: $15.00
Price: $12.00


For years we hoped to have a poster that would be dazzling enough for the study and spirited enough for a dorm room wall. But there was always a problem: the price, the design, the distribution.

At last, all these problems came to be solved in the course of weeks, as our art staff generated this treasure and our store manager finagled an excellent deal on production and distribution.

At last we are pleased to announce the Austrian Economics Poster. It features six top Austrians in art profile, delightfully reflective of the hugely popular shirt designs that are seen now on so many campuses. It is designed not only for beauty but also to inspire questions and conversations.

When the poster came in, we had a rolling party in which our faculty and staff gathered to put them in tubes for shipping. The first test of its marketability came at the Mises University, where students snapped them up in anticipation of putting them in their dorms and apartments.

We think you will love this poster, which is on a nice stock and fits perfectly in a frame for a 24"x 36" poster. You might be the only one on your floor or block with this poster, but it says so much about your good taste in art and ideas.

*Note* How to remove your poster from the shipping tube: Insert 2 fingers into the end of tube and push down turning the tube to tighten poster inside. Once tightened the poster will easily slide out.


Average Rating:
(based on 1 review)

Showing 1 Review:

by Onan
on 8/10/2010
from Atlanta,GA
Great Poster!
I am a social studies teacher and am always looking for interesting decorations for my classroom... I love my Austrian Economists poster because of it's ability to elicit questions about liberty.  It's a beautifully deisgned debate starter and is perfectly at home with some of my other liberty inspired artwork!  Thanks so much!
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Dimensions 24"x36"

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