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Austrian School of Economics Photo Album

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The Family Album of the Ludwig von Mises Institute
Price: $2.00


This beautiful monograph treats the Austrian School as a family of thought dating back to the Renaissance with a special emphasis on the school's formal founding with Menger and looking forward. It provides a "family tree" with the birth and death dates of all its major ambassadors.

The Austrian tradition is truly singular in its advocacy of a humane, rational system of economic thought, and its resistance to positivism, socialism, fascism, and central banking and its consistent and intensifying classical liberalism. This family album also provides a huge range of high-quality images of the greatest thinkers.

For those who know nothing of the school, but aren't prepared yet for a full book on the topic, this makes for a nice introduction to its main thinkers and ideas.

16 pages, Paperback


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(based on 1 review)

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by Michael M.
on 1/31/2017
from DC
Wealth of information worth well beyond price tag
This publication, although only 16 pages, is a spectacular compact history of the Austrian school of thought.

It begins with with concise write-ups and historical photos of key individuals that contributed to the Austrian school
up until the present day.  Both cover and inner pages are printed on premium paper and it feels like a very high quality
booklet to add into your library.  At $2.00 it is a steal. 

Cannot recommend highly enough!
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ISBN 9781610162012
Publisher LvMI
Publication Date 07/25/2011
Binding PB
Page Length 16
Dimensions 8.5 x 11

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