For over two decades, Dr. Gordon has written The Mises Review, reviewing some of the most talked about books released in social science through a Rothbardian lens. As one of the most respected minds in the Austro-libertarian movement, this collection provides a fascinating look at contemporary literature and the place of the Austrian school within it.
"Shortly after Murray Rothbard’s lamented death in January, 1995, Lew Rockwell telephoned me. He asked me to write a book review journal for the Mises Institute, covering new books in philosophy, history, politics, and economics. Moreover, he wanted the first issue in one month. I managed to meet the deadline and continued to write the journal for a number of years. Articles from The Mises Review form the bulk of the material included in these volumes; but a few reviews from other sources are here as well."
"Ever since I first read Man, Economy, and State in 1962, I have been a convinced Rothbardian, and it is from this standpoint that I have written my articles. "
David Gordon, from the Foreword