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Austro-Libertarian View: Volume 3

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Current Affairs, Foreign Policy, American History, European History

Price: $19.95

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For over two decades, Dr. Gordon has written The Mises Review, reviewing some of the most talked about books released in social science through a Rothbardian lens. As one of the most respected minds in the Austro-libertarian movement, this collection provides a fascinating look at contemporary literature and the place of the Austrian school within it.

"In his Foreword David Gordon lets the reader know that when he first read Man, Economy and the State in 1962, he became a "convinced Rothbardian," and "it is from this standpoint that I have written my articles." This may understate the relation described. David was a close friend as well as disciple of Murray, who returned David's admiration by describing him as a "universal genius unequalled in my experience." Following what David characterizes as Murray's "lamented death" in January 1995, he founded The Mises Review, at least partly to perpetuate the legacy of the thinker who influenced him the most profoundly. This is not meant to suggest that David writes as a slavish follower of anyone. Although many of the reviews in his anthology undoubtedly point back to Rothbard as an economist and critic of the state, there is something unique to David in all his sparkling essays and his predilections often leave a conventional libertarian scratching his head."  Paul Gottfried


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ISBN 9781610166737
Publisher Ludwig von Mises Institute
Publication Date 01/01/2018
Binding PB
Page Length 492
Dimensions 6 x 9