Digital Books

Displaying 133 - 144 of 343 results
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Gold and the Gold Standard - Digital Book
It was really Kemmerer vs. Keynes in those years, and it is a tragedy that Keynes prevailed. Nonetheless, the great book is newly in print so that we ...
Price: $5.00
Gold Standard: Perspectives in the Austrian School - Digital Book
A detailed guide to the arguments for the gold standard and its superiority over competing monetary standards. If you want to understand the gold stan...
Price: $3.75
Great American Land Bubble - Digital Book
Those who lived through the huge speculative real estate bubble of the 1990s through 2008 might have imagined that it was unprecedented. Not so. Far f...
Price: $5.00
Great Austrian Economists - Digital Book
15 thinkers who made the greatest contribution to advancing the Austrian School of economics.
Price: $5.00
Great Depression - Digital Book
The New Deals of America and Britain were a decade-long calamity that exceeded the damage of the economic downturn itself. The theory behind the poli...
Price: $4.00
Great Wars and Great Leaders - Digital Book
The great historian of classical liberalism strips away the veneer of exalted leaders.
Price: $5.00
Haiku Economist: 101 Poems Economic principles, economically expressed
Poetry about economics?!? You'll be surprised -- and delighted! The author of the Concise Guide to Economics becomes even more concise in this book of...
Price: $3.75
Harangue - Digital Book
Garet Garrett wrote one last, and truly spectacular, novel
Price: $5.00
Having My Way - Digital Book
“Let him that would save the world first move himself.” —SOCRATES
Price: $5.00
History of Money and Banking in the United States: The Colonial Era to World War II - Digital Book
The master teacher of American economic history covers money and banking, in a complete revision of the standard account.
Price: $5.00
Honest Money - Digital Book
What the Bible says about money and banking
Price: $5.00
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