If you are looking to acquaint yourself with F.A. Hayek's perspective on economic theorym, this is the best source
The Inflation Crisis and How to Resolve It , newly in print in hardcover at a low price, is his masterpiece on money. The book reappears just in t...
Written in 1951, this is one of Leonard Read’s earliest pamphlets on what he called “the philosophy of freedom.”
It was this work by Swedish economist Wicksell that drew Mises's attention to the effects of interest rate manipulation on the capital structure.
It is astonishing that a book of this quality would have been completely lost to history.
Here is the book that gave the Austrian School its name!
Essays show forth not only Rothbard's intellectual vigor, but the complete joy with which he embraced life.
Professor Leland B. Yeager (University of Virginia and Auburn University) is one of the giants of the generation of economists after Ludwig von ...