Digital Books

Displaying 109 - 120 of 343 results
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Exchange, Prices, and Production in Hyper-Inflation: Germany, 1920-1923 - Digital Book
This large-scale study of the German hyper-inflation is definitive in the English language.
Price: $5.00
Fabian Freeway: High Road to Socialism in the U.S.A. - Digital Book
Both prophetic and illuminating, Fabian Freeway documents the rise and progress of socialism in Britain and the United States
Price: $3.99
Failure of the "New Economics" - Digital Book
A line-by-line commentary and refutation of one of the most destructive, fallacious, and convoluted books of the century.
Price: $3.75
Fascism versus Capitalism - Digital Book
“Fascism” has become a term of general derision and rebuke. It is tossed casually in the direction of anything a critic happens to dislike.
Price: $3.75
For a New Liberty: The Libertarian Manifesto - Digital Book
Society without the nation-state? Rothbard shows that this is the way for peace, prosperity, security, and freedom for all in a super-handy pocket edi...
Price: $5.00
Foreign Policy of Freedom - Digital Book
There is one and only one voice in Congress for a foreign policy of freedom, and it belongs to Ron Paul, who has stood alone for freedom for many year...
Price: $5.00
Forty Centuries of Wage and Price Controls - Digital Book
By special arrangement with the authors, the Mises Institute is thrilled to bring back this popular guide to ridiculous economic policy from the ancie...
Price: $5.00
Foundations of the Market Price System - Digital Book
Rothbard just loved this Austrian text on microeconomic theory.
Price: $5.00
Frederic Bastiat: A Man Alone - Digital Book
Bastiat struggled his entire life to teach economic truths to every living person. His legacy is monumental and speaks to us today as clearly as it di...
Price: $5.00
Free Banking: Theory, History, and a Laissez-Faire Model - Digital Book
Central banking is a form of monetary socialism, Sechrest argues, whereas free markets need laissez-faire.
Price: $5.00
Free Man's Library - Digital Book
The brilliant Hazlitt guides you through the literature.
Price: $5.00
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