Economic History

Displaying 25 - 36 of 72 results
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From Bretton Woods to World Inflation
Hazlitt said it would fail. He was right.
Price: $12.95
From Bretton Woods to World Inflation - Digital Book
Hazlitt said it would fail. He was right.
Price: $5.00
Global Curse of the Federal Reserve
Reveals and explores the missing link between the Austrian School of Economics and behavioral finance theory.
Price: $24.95
Government Against the Economy
The story of the U. S. Government's on-going destruction of the American economic system through price controls.

Price: $15.00
Great American Land Bubble
Those who lived through the huge speculative real estate bubble of the 1990s through 2008 might have imagined that it was unprecedented. Not so. Far f...
Price: $19.95
Great Deformation
How Crony Capitalism Corrupts Free Markets and Democracy
Price: $19.95
Great Depression, The
The New Deals of America and Britain were a decade-long calamity that exceeded the damage of the economic downturn itself. The theory behind the polic...
Price: $15.00
History of American Currency, A
A sweeping history of the calamity of paper money in the United States from the Colonial Period to the Civil War.
Price: $25.00
History of Money and Banking in the United States: The Colonial Era to World War II - Audiobook
Click on the Audible or iTunes links to the right to purchase the fully functional audiobook, with true audiobook capabilities such as resume a...
Price: $3.75
History of Money and Banking in the United States: The Colonial Era to World War II, A
The master teacher of American economic history covers money and banking, in a complete revision of the standard account.
Price: $12.95
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