Economic Theory

This category will let you dive as deep as you possibly will want to go into Austrian Economics. Masterworks such as Human Action by Mises and Man, Economy and State by Rothbard will light your way.
Displaying 49 - 60 of 97 results
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Failure of the "New Economics", The
A line-by-line commentary and refutation of one of the most destructive, fallacious, and convoluted books of the century.
Price: $12.95
Faith and Liberty: The Economic Thought of the Late Scholastics
An important book on the history of thought but a crucial study in the development of the Austrian School. There is no more comprehensive account avai...
Price: $19.95
Foundations of Economics: A Christian View
Rooting the fundamental principles of human action in the Christian doctrines of creation and humanity, and integrating them with the Christian ethic ...
Price: $39.95
Foundations of the Market Price System
Rothbard just loved this Austrian text on microeconomic theory.
Price: $25.00
Free Market and Its Enemies, The
This is a "new" book by Ludwig von Mises, the first of a series of lecture transcripts drawn from careful notes.
Price: $15.00
Great Austrian Economists
15 thinkers who made the greatest contribution to advancing the Austrian School of economics.
Price: $12.95
History of Economic Thought: From Marx to Hayek, The - MP3 CD
The Mises Institute had Rothbard lecture on his discoveries and analysis of this period while he was researching the topic. The tapes were only recent...
Price: $3.00
Human Action Pocket Edition

The impossible has happened: Human Action in a small pocketbook edition at an incredibly low price.

This spectacular edition of the great w...

Price: $10.00
Human Action, The Scholar's Edition
(1 review)
Human Action is the most important book on political economy you will ever own. It was (and remains) the most comprehensive, systematic, fort...
Price: $20.00
Human Action: A Treatise on Economics, 75th Anniversary Edition (Leather)
Only 426 copies produced.

A new foreword by Joseph Salerno.

Price: $100.00
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