Table of Contents
Introduction: "The Economic Theory of Costs in Perspective"
Matthew McCaffrey
Cost and Choice
Chapter 1:"Contemporary Debates on Opportunity Cost Theory and Pedagogy"
Jonathan Newman
Chapter 2: "The ‘Income Effect’ in Causal-Realist Price Theory"
Joseph T. Salerno
The Evolution of Causal-Realist Production Theory
Chapter 3:"From Marshallian Partial Equilibrium to Austrian General Equilibrium: The Evolution of Rothbard’s Production Theory"
Patrick Newman
Chapter 4: "Man, Economy and State, Original Chapter 5: Producer’s Activity"
Murray N. Rothbard
Risk, Uncertainty, and Cost
Chapter 5: "The Myth of the Risk Premium"
Jörg Guido Hülsmann
Chapter 6: "Time and the Theory of Cost"
Jeffrey M. Herbener
Causal-Realist Price Theory: Debate and Synthesis
Chapter 7: "Monopsony Theory Revisited"
Xavier Méra
Chapter 8: "Costs and Pricing: An Austro-Post-Keynesian Synthesis?"
Mateusz Machaj
Economic Organization, Entrepreneurship, and the Firm
Chapter 9: "Austrian Economics and Transaction Cost Economics: Notes on a Doubtful Compatibility"
Mihai-Vladimir Topan
Chapter 10: "The Management Problem of Socialism: Cost at the Expense of Value"
Per L. Bylund
Chapter 11: "Economic Calculation and the Limits of Social Entrepreneurship"
Matthew McCaffrey