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Economics and the Public Welfare - Digital Book

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Here is a contemporaneous account of the economic history of the first half of the 20th century, by an American adherent of the Austrian School.
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Here is a contemporaneous account of the economic history of the first half of the 20th century, by an American adherent of the Austrian School.

Covered in these pages is the inflation of World War I and following, the 1920s boom, and the onset and calamity of the Great Depression. Anderson was not only a trained economist but an accomplished journalist who wrote with a flair for exciting detail. He is objective about the facts but passionate in his analysis of cause and effect.

He not only recorded the events; he participated in them as a working free-market economist. When this book appeared in 1948, it did not receive the attention it deserves, owing to the popularity of Keynesian theory.

Today, however, we can see the enormous value of Anderson's account, as proof that some economists did indeed understand the disasters wrought by central planning and central bank monetary management. It's no wonder that Mises and Hazlitt thought so highly of him and his work.


Table of Contents
Part I: World War I
1: The Prewar World, 1913
2: The Outbreak of the War in 1914
3: The War Prosperity
4: Our War Economic Policy
5: The Federal Reserve System, 1914-1918
Part II: The Postwar Boom, Crisis, and Revival, 1919-1923
6: The Postwar Boom, 1919-1920
7: The Causes of the Crisis of 1920
8: The Crisis—1920-1921
9: The Rapid Revival—August, 1921, to March, 1923
10: The Government’s Contribution to the Revival, 1921-1923
11: The Money Market, 1920-1923—Renewed Bank Expansion
12: Our Foreign Policy, 1919-1924
13: Germany, 1918-1924
14: France, 1918-1924
15: The Dawes Plan
Part III: The First Phase of the New Deal, 1924-1932
16: Depression and Rally of 1924—The Beginning of the New Deal
17: Money, Bank Credit, and Capital
18: The Extent of Bank Expansion, 1922-1928
19: The Causes of and the Responsibility for the Excess Reserves
20: Germany, 1924-1928
21: France, 1925-1926
22: Great Britain, 1925-1927
23: The De Facto Stabilization of the Franc, and the Gold Exchange Standard
24: The Consequences of the Cheap Money Policy in the United States Down to the Summer of 1927
25: The Conference of Governors and the Intensification of Cheap Money, 1927
26: The Stock Market Boom, 1927-1929
27: Mob Mind in 1928-1929
28: The Effect on Europe of Tight Money in the United States in 1929
29: The “New Era,” and the Precautions of the Commercial Banks in New York
30: The Stock Market Crash of 1929
31: The New Deal in 1929-1930
32: Late 1930—Hitler Gains; Bank of United States Crashes
33: The Tragic Year—1931
34: 1931 Continued—England’s Abandonment of the Gold Standard
35: The Year 1931 Continued—The First Foreign Run on the Gold of the United States
36: The Year 1932
37: The Upturn in the Summer of 1932—Five Favorable Developments
38: The Impact of Politics on the 1932 Revival
39: The Banking Holiday
40: The Intergovernmental Debts
Part IV: The New Deal In Maturity, 1933-1939
41: “My Father Also Chastised You with Whips, But I Will Chastise You with Scorpions
42: The Reopening of the Banks
43: The Mortality Among Small Banks
44: Branch Banking versus Unit Banking
45: Roosevelt’s Abandonment of the Gold Standard
46: The Banking Act of 1938—Extreme Reform Bill, Not New Deal Measure
47: Contradictory Policies
48: The National Industrial Recovery Act
49: The London Economic Conference, 1933
50: The Strong Business Rally, March to July, 1933—Turns Downward With NRA
51: More Money Magic—The Gold Buying Programme
52: The Gold Reserve Act of 1934
53: The Spending Programme
54: The Silver Legislation of 1934
55: Governmental Confusion, Governmental Hostility, and Private Enterprise
56: Supreme Court Decision on Gold Clauses, February, 1935
57: First Successful Resistance to New Deal—Banking Act of 1935
58: Taxation Under the New Deal—The Redistribution of Wealth
59: The Undistributed Profits Tax of 1936
60: Digression on Keynes
61: Gold, Excess Reserves, and Money Rates, 1934-1941
62: Gold Remains Standard of Value
63: The British Equalization Account, The American Stabilization Fund, and The American Sterilization Fund
64: The Tyranny of Gold
65: Governmental Coercion and the Value of Money
66: The Business Rally of 1935-1937 and the Major Crisis of 1937
67: The Causes of the Crisis of 1937
68: The Stock Market Crash of 1937—A Major Cause of Business Crisis
69: A Verdict on the S.E.C.
70: The Severe Depression, 1937-1938, and the Mild Rally, 1938-1939
71: The Turn in the Political Tide, 1938
72: International Political Relations in the Decade of the Thirties
73: The Effect of Governmental Economic Planning Upon Employment and the Utilization of Our National Productive Powers
74: Alternative Explanations of the Great Depression of 1930-1939
Part V: World War II
75: The Outbreak of World War II
76: Our War Economic Policy
77: War Taxation and Expenditures
78: Government Borrowing in World War II
79: Price Fixing in World War II
80: Government versus Private Financing of War Production in World War II
81: Lend-Lease, Bretton Woods, and the British Loan—England’s Postwar Position


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ISBN 9780913966686
eISBN 9781610165679
Publisher LvMI
Publication Date 10/9/2012
Page Length 595
Type eBook

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