I. Wealth and Its Origin
II. Varieties of Economic Goods
III. The Measure of Consumers’ Wealth
IV. The Socialization of Industry
V. Production A Synthesis; Distribution an Analysis
VI. Value and its Relation to Different Incomes
VII. Normal Value
VIII. Wages
IX. The Law of Interest
X. Rent
XI. Land and Artificial Instruments
XII. Economic Dynamics
XIII. The Limits of an Economic Society
XIV. Effects of Dynamic Influences Within The Limited Economic Society
XV. Perpetual Change of the Social Structure
XVI. Effect of Improvements in Methods of Production
XVII. Further Influences Which Reduce the Hardships Entailed By Dynamic Changes
XVIII. Capital as Affected by Changes of Method
XIX. The Law of Population
XX. The Law of Accumulation of Capital
XXI. Conditions Insuring Progress in Method and Organization
XXII. Influences Which Pervert the Forces of Progress
XXIII. General Economic Laws Affecting Transportation
XXIV. The Foregoing Principles Applied to the Railroad Problem
XXV. Organization of Labor
XXVI. The Basis of Wages as Fixed by Arbitration
XXVII. Boycotts and the Limiting of Products
XXVIII. Protection and Monopoly
XXIX. Leading Facts Concerning Money
XXX. Summary of Conclusions