2007 Seminar 10 lectures on 1 MP3 Audio CD
Also 10 lectures on 10 DVDs
This is the ideal full course instructional set on audio for anyone--college, high school, professional--who wants to come to understand the most advanced thinking within the Austrian School.
It includes all lectures plus supporting material, bibliographies, and more tools - all in electronic form.
Joseph Salerno and Peter G. Klein are two of the most productive microeconomists in the Austrian School today. This seminar gives you a preview of their forthcoming textbook for graduate students. It is both rigorous and clear -- and a bargain for any student.
- Scarcity, Choice, and Value [Salerno]
- Exchange and Demand [Salerno]
- The Determination of Prices [Klein]
- Price Controls: Case Studies [Salerno]
Pricing of the Factors of Production and the Labor Market [Klein]
Profit, Loss and the Entrepreneur [Klein]
- Capital, Interest and the Structure of Production [Salerno]
- Competition and Monopoly [Klein]
- Money and Prices [Salerno]
- Banking and the Business Cycle [Salerno]