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Home Study Course in Austrian Economics

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Study in the Austrian School tradition. This product can include all the materials needed for the course. The core materials are selected by default. Please select the books you would like to add (all are related readings for the lessons). If you already have the books or prefer to read them digitally you will not need to add the titles to the order. 
List Price: $200.00
Price: $41.00



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Description of HSC:

A complete curriculum and method for your first year of study in Austrian Economics.

There is no better way to learn Austrian economics than from this organized curriculum that takes you from A to Z in the Austrian tradition. This in-depth overview of the modern Austrian School, its theory, approach to history, and policy implications will train you to think through all economic problems. Whether you are preparing for college, graduate school, professional life, or just want to learn, this is the ideal program. It is structured to take you step-by-step through the entire range of the Austrian world view.

The coursework is divided into 52 lessons to cover 52 weeks, a complete year of study that can be pursued at home. With the Home Study Course, you can stick to the schedule or go at your own pace.

The year-long course is prepared by Professor Robert Murphy (PhD, NYU) in consultation with Mises Institute staff and other faculty.

Each week covers one topic, and is tied to an hour-long lecture and related readings. It includes study questions to guide your learning and research. The audio lectures are selected from among hundreds of hours of lectures so that you are given access to the best of the best, with lectures by great Austrian economists ranging over 30 years.

This course gives you what no live classroom can, which is the opportunity to study with a huge faculty of specialists and their lectures over a long span of time and at a pace that is right for you.

The lessons are divided into these general areas: The Core of Austrian Theory, Ethical Foundations, Applied Economic Topics, Government Distortions, Economic History, Alternative Schools of Thought, and Perspectives on the Past and Future. Within each are the 52 lectures tied to readings from the Austrian literature.

The set arrives with a 52-week Lesson Plan and Study Guide, 16 books, a Supplemental Readings packet, and 52 hours of audio lectures (format: MP3, which is standard for computers, and newer CD players in home and car). Everything is included. You do not need internet access to undertake and complete the course.

  1. Home Study CD, with 52 hours of lectures from Hans-Hermann Hoppe, Walter Block, Joseph Salerno, Thomas DiLorenzo, Thomas Woods, Jörg Guido Hülsmann, George Reisman, Ralph Raico, Robert Higgs, Roger Garrison, Peter Klein, Jeffrey Herbener, Mark Thornton, Lew Rockwell, David Gordon, Richard Vedder, Richard Ebeling, David Osterfeld, and Robert Murphy. In addition, there are classic lectures by Ludwig von Mises, Murray Rothbard, and Robert LeFevre
  2. Lesson Plan and Study Guide with study questions
  3. Supplemental Readings packet
  4. The following complete books:
    1. Great Austrian Economists, Randall Holcombe
    2. Against Leviathan, Robert Higgs
    3. An Introduction to Economic Reasoning, David Gordon
    4. Introduction to Austrian Economics, Thomas Taylor
    5. Antitrust: The Case for Repeal, D.T. Armentano
    6. Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle and Other Essays, by Mises et al.
    7. Chaos Theory, Robert Murphy
    8. Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth, Ludwig von Mises
    9. Economic Science and the Austrian Method, Hans-Hermann Hoppe
    10. Economics in One Lesson, Henry Hazlitt
    11. Economics of Liberty, ed. Lew Rockwell
    12. Education, Free and Compulsory, Murray Rothbard
    13. Theory and History, Ludwig von Mises
    14. Two Essays by Ludwig von Mises, Ludwig von Mises
    15. What Has Government Done to Our Money? Murray Rothbard

(Items in the course are part of a package; individual items cannot be excluded)
Epub files for the HSC core materials are also included in your order.

Please note * Economics for Real People, by Gene Callahan is referenced in the course and can be purchased from

Learn Austrian economics from the masters. Gain confidence in your ability to think like an Austrian economist. Start your studies today!

The Home Study Course offers no accreditation or certificate. Also no guidance or correspondence from LvMI faculty is included with it. If you would like live instruction please use the Mises Academy beginners courses such as Principles of Economics.


Average Rating:
(based on 2 reviews)

Showing 2 Reviews:

by Bob Block
on 4/27/2012
To the Ludwig von Mises Institute:
Thank-you very much for offering the best educational experience and value I have ever encountered.  I had always recognized the inconsistencies and lack of logic in alternative schools of economic thought which contrasted with the views espoused by "Austrian-oriented" market research and commentary.  The 52 week Homestudy Course in Austrian Economics combined a solid theoretical foundation with practical applications that enhanced my ability to apply its logical, consistent and useful framework to understand, evaluate and anticipate political, social and economic developments.  Your course provided me with an infinitely superior education to the MBA I received from a highly ranked program for a fraction of the cost. 
by Charles
on 6/1/2009
from Chicago
Whatever you do, don’t stop here!
   I believe this created a excellent stepping stone for my own personal gain in knowledge. But I must say I need more, a lot more. 
I think all this has accomplished aside from study is a burning desire to know more and tell all of my friends and family what I have learned and why they should too.
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