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Individualism and Economic Order

Average Rating:
If you are looking to acquaint yourself with F.A. Hayek's perspective on economic theorym, this is the best source.
List Price: $25.00
Price: $15.95


If you are looking to acquaint yourself with F.A. Hayek's perspective on economic theory--beyond his business cycle and monetary studies of the interwar years--this is the best source. The collection appeared in 1947, before he moved on toward broader culturaland social investigations. It contains his most profound work on the liberal economic order, and his most penetrating reflections on economic phenomena:

  • Individualism: True and False
  • Economics and Knowledge
  • The Facts of the Social Sciences
  • The Use of Knowledge in Society
  • The Meaning of Competition
  • Free Enterprise and Competitive Order
  • Socialist Calculation I: The Nature and History the Problem
  • Socialist Calculation II: The State of the Debate
  • Socialist Calculation III: The Competitive Solution
  • A Commodity Reserve Currency
  • The Ricardo Effect
  • The Economic Conditions of Interstate Federalism

This is a real treasure, and the best evidence for why Hayek must be considered one of the great economists in history.


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(based on 1 review)

Showing 1 Review:

by Sean
on 7/1/2010
from Raleigh, NC
Individualism and the Economic Order
Perhaps Hayek's best work. I was particularly impressed with chapters 1-6 and found in them a thorough destruction of positivism along with explanations of knowledge that have changed my world view. As usual, the condition of the book itself was top-notch as I have come to expect from the Mises Institute. This is a must read for any Austrian enthusiast or simply anyone interested in the fields of Philosophy, politics, and economics. 
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ISBN 9781610161442
eISBN 9781610166058
Publisher Ludwig von Mises Institute
Publication Date [1948] 2009
Binding PB
Page Length 280

Hayek on Hayek
What a remarkable life F.A. Hayek lived, and this book chronicles it all in his own words. It is an autobiography in the form of interviews.
Price: $15.00
Individualism and Economic Order - Digital Book
If you are looking to acquaint yourself with F.A. Hayek's perspective on economic theorym, this is the best source
Price: $4.95