Michael Rectenwald’s new book isn’t just his best book yet. It’s one of the most important books of...
Self-Ownership, Ethics, and the Constitution of the Private Law Society.
The most influential and famous low-circulation, typewriter-typed scholarly journal of the 20th century.
All essential studies in the philosophy of law and the field of legal theory will have to take full account of the theories and criticisms expounded b...
Political philosophy is dominated by a myth, the myth of the necessity of the state.
A major contribution to libertarian legal theory and an indispensable guide to a vital topic.
Digital eBook edition of Butler Shaffer's major contribution to libertarian legal theory and an indispensable guide to a vital topic.
This book, which goes further than any other in explaining the political moment, will be a standard reference work for years to come.
The first libertarian book of the modern age. A biography and intellectual analysis of some thirty great thinkers.
Can we recognize tyranny when it is sold to us disguised as a form of liberty?
F.A. Harper was a leader in the libertarian movement from the 1950s and onward. Here is his early manifesto