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Human Action - MP3 CD

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Jeff Riggenbach reads Human Action
List Price: $7.00
Price: $3.00
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Jeff Riggenbach reads Human Action from start to finish. This is one of those projects that the Mises Institute was founded to accomplish. There was one previous attempt, not by the Institute, but it is bound up in copyright and not well distributed. We've known for years that the only real workaround was to have the full book recorded and distributed to the entire world according to the Mises Institute model.

Therefore this presentation is a huge landmark for us: the greatest book on the social sciences, read in full.

The book really works in audio. The pacing is perfect, and even if you have already read the book, even several times, this audio version is a benefit. There are just too many insights to be had to experience this book in one form only.

So here is a treasure for the ages, presenting to you in the most digestible form possible, perfectly rendered so that you can make it the study of an entire season.

Total run time is approximately 48 hours. (1 MP3 CD)
Tracks are the chapters of the book.


Average Rating:
(based on 2 reviews)

Showing 2 Reviews:

by Philip Hayes
on 2/10/2010
from Lawton
Buy it as a gift.
It is true that it is all free on itunes. In fact I am only a few hours away from finishing the entire thing. But first we should get to the product itself. Its great, I don't remember how long it has been in the works but I've spent at least the last six months listening to it here and there I'm not sure I'll know what to do when I finally finish it.. Except listen to it again perhaps? 

But it is all free on Itunes, so why spend the money? Well I would say it would make a much appreciated gift for those who are not as tech savvy as others. Regardless of who the recipient is, Its just more classy to give an actual product rather than a burnt cd, or just telling them to go download it. This is even more so the case with the Economics in One lesson which is great to give out to people new to the ideas of liberty and economics. 

In either case, it is as a donation to the Mises Institute. Except with this donation you get something back!
by Mises Saves
on 1/23/2010
Free on iTunes U
All the audio files are available for free on iTunes U ready to be added to your iPod.  No need to shell out the money for a CD.
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ISBN 9781933550619
Publisher Mises Institute
Type MP3
Run Time 1.9 days
Read by Jeff Riggenbach
Packaging Case or Paper Sleeve

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