Table of Contents:
Preface ix
Translator’s Introduction xi
Introduction 1
Nation and State
1 Nation and Nationality
1. The Nation as a Speech Community 7
2. Dialect and Standard Language 17
3. National Changes 22
2 The Nationality Principle in Politics
1. Liberal or Pacifistic Nationalism 25
2. Militant or Imperialistic Nationalism
A. The Nationality Question in Territories with Mixed
Populations 32
B. The Migration Problem and Nationalism 46
C. The Roots of Imperialism 64
D. Pacifism 70
3. On the History of German Democracy
A. Prussia 80
B. Austria 88
War and the Economy
1. The Economic Position of the Central
Powers in the War 110
2. War Socialism 117
3. Autarky and Stockpiling 121
4. The Economy’s War Costs and the Inflation 125
5. Covering the State’s War Costs 136
6. War Socialism and True Socialism 142
Socialism and Imperialism
1. Socialism and Its Opponents 147
2. Socialism and Utopia 152
3. Centralist and Syndicalist Socialism 162
4. Socialist Imperialism 169
Concluding Observations 176
Index 185