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Never a Dull Moment: A Libertarian Look at the Sixties

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For Murray Rothbard, libertarianism was a banner that was meant to be carried into battle.
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For Murray Rothbard, libertarianism wasn’t an intellectual parlor game, nor was it a personal affectation: for him, it was a banner that was meant to be carried into battle. Ever the happy warrior, he sought to bring the radical libertarian perspective to bear on the events of the day, and it was a task he delighted in.

From 1967 thru 1968, Rothbard churned out 58 columns for the Freedom Newspapers, addressing the campus revolt; the massive antiwar demonstrations; the Six-Day War between Israel and the Arab powers; the Newark riots; the Vietnam war; the persecution of H. Rap Brown, the assassination of Martin Luther King, the abdication of Lyndon Baines Johnson, the rise of Richard Nixon — in those two crucial years there was, as they say, never a dull moment.


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1. Education in California

2. Reaching for the Zoning Club

3. Desecrating the Flag

4. Abolish Slavery! — Part I

5. Abolish Slavery! — Part II

6. Abolish Slavery! — Part III

7. The Middle East Crisis

8. We’re In a Recession!

9. Abolish Slavery! — Part IV

10. Abolish Slavery! — Part V

11. “Little” Israel

12. “Rebellion” at Newark

13. Abolish Slavery! — Part VI

14. Civil War in July, 1967 — Part I

15. Civil War in July, 1967 — Part II

16. Civil War in July, 1967 — Part III

17. The Principle of Secession

18. Should There Be a Tax Hike? — Part I

19. Should There Be a Tax Hike? — Part II

20. Abolish Slavery! — Part VII

21. Businessmen For Peace

22. “Incitement” To Riot

23. Gun Laws

24. LBJ — After Four Years

25. A New Constitution?

26. The Elections

27. Why Do They All Hate De Gaulle?

28. The Cyprus Question

29. How To Get Out of Vietnam

30. The Case of John Milton Ratliff

31. Jim Garrison, Libertarian

32. Whose Violence?

33. Devaluation

34. Exchange Controls

35. The Coming American Fascism

36. The Pueblo Caper

37. The State of the War

38. The Garbage Strike

39. The Vietnam Crisis

40. The Escalation of Lyndon Johnson

41. The Amateur “Ideal”

42. What Does the Viet Cong Want?

43. April Fool Week

44. Martin Luther King

45. All the Withdrawals

46. The Peace Negotiations

47. Shooting Looters

48. The Revolutionary Mood

49. The McCarthy Crusade

50. Columbia: The Night of Infamy

51. The Student Revolution

52. Assassination — Left and Right

53. French Revolution — 1968

54. Draft Boards

55. Humphrey or Nixon: Is There Any Difference?

56. The New Anarchy

57. Nixon-Agnew

58. Speaking Truth To Power

59. Mao As Free Enterpriser; Or, Halbrook In Wonderland

60. Defusing the Baby Bomb

61. The New Libertarian Creed

62. Confessions of a Right-Wing Liberal


ISBN 9781610166492
eISBN 9781610166492
UPC 1610166493
Publisher Ludwig von Mises Institute
Publication Date 08/01/2016
Binding PB
Page Length 168
Dimensions 6x9

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