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Ouroboros or the Mechanical Extension of Mankind - Digital Book

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"Ouroboros was a fabulous snake, the encircling serpent, that swallowed its own tail. It represented an infantile thought of the human mind for wish fulfillment by magical means. Man's heroic business was to conquer the reptile. As he did this he seized the object he most desired. He might even wish himself into solid gold."
List Price: $7.00
Price: $5.00


"One story of us is continuous. It is the story of our struggle to recapture the Garden of Eden, meaning by that a state of existence free from the doom of toil."

Garett explores the consequences of advancing technology and industrial capacity in this short but intriguing work. The author follows human progress through the centuries and the impacts of technological development on humanity's way of life.

I. The Quest Since Adam

II. The Machine As If

III. The Law of Machines

IV. Who Mind Them or Starve

V. The Paradox of Surplus

VI. In Peril of Trade

VII. Dim Vistas New


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eISBN 9781610165709
Publisher E.P. Dutton and Company
Publication Date 10/31/2012
Page Length 108

Mainspring of Human Progress - Digital Book
With incredible erudition and historical understanding, Henry Grady Weaver tells the true story of progress for the human race with acute understandin...
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