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Interventionism: An Economic Analysis

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Interventionism provides Mises’s analysis of the problems of government interference in business from the Austrian School perspective. Written in 1940, before the United States was officially involved in World War II, this book offers a rare insight into the war economies of Hitler’s Germany and Mussolini’s Italy. 
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Shortly after arriving in the United States, having fled a war-torn Europe, Ludwig von Mises sat down to complete his trilogy on economic systems. The result was this remarkably concise treatise, which tragically was not published until 1998. What Mises had foreseen was a world trapped between fully planned economies, which were clearly failing, and fully free markets, which were a casualty of depression and war. He warned that mixed systems give rise of political instability and economic stagnation, and proved that this was the case through a general model of interventionism and a specific analysis of price control, credit expansion, subsidies, welfare, corporatism, and the war economy. Particularly interesting is his discussion of the draft, which he sees as a species of socialism itself. A crucial book to understand in the post-socialist age. Note: This book is not to be confused with his earlier book on price control entitled A Critique of Interventionism.


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The contents of this volume include:

  • Introduction
    • 1. The Problem
    • 2. Capitalism or Market Economy
    • 3. The Socialist Economy
    • 4. The Capitalist State and the Socialist State
    • 5. the Interventionist State
    • 6. The Plea for Moral Reform

  • I. Interference by Restriction
    • 1. The Nature of Restrictive Measures
    • 2. Costs and Benefits of Restrictive Measures
    • 3. The Restrictive Measure as a Privilege
    • 4. Restrictive Measures as Expenditures

  • II. Interference by Price Control
    • 1. The Alternative: Statutory Law Versus Economic Law
    • 2. The Reaction of the Market
    • 3. Minimum Wages and Unemployment
    • 4. The Political Consequences of Unemployment

  • III. Inflation and Credit Expansion
    • 1. Inflation
    • 2. Credit Expansion
    • 3. Foreign Exchange Control
    • 4. The Flight of Capital and the Problem of "Hot Money"

  • IV. Confiscation and Subsidies
    • 1. Confiscation
    • 2. The Procurement of Funds for Public Expenditure
    • 3. Unprofitable Public Works and Subsidies
    • 4. "Altruistic" Entrpreneurship

  • V. Corporativism and Syndicalism
    • 1. Corporativism
    • 2. Syndicalism

  • VI. War Economy
    • 1. War and the Market Economy
    • 2. Total War and War Socialism
    • 3. Market Economy and National Defense

  • VII. The Economic, Social, and Political Consequences of Interventionism
    • 1. The Economic Consequences
    • 2. Parliamentary Government and Interventionism
    • 3. Freedom and the Economic System
    • 4. The Great Delusion
    • 5. The Source of Hitler's Success
ISBN 9781572460713
Publisher Liberty Fund
Binding PB
Page Length 98

Planning for Freedom
An enduring collection of Mises's essays, some popular and others scholarly, but always engaging and provocative.
Price: $12.95