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Place of Economics in Learning, The

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We’ve put into print a single chapter from Human Action, “The Place of Economics in Learning.”
List Price: $3.00
Price: $1.00

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We’ve put into print a single chapter from Human Action, “The Place of Economics in Learning.” We picked it because it provides an excellent overview of the Misesian worldview concerning economics. It touches on enough points — methodologically, educationally, politically — to invite and inspire further reading. It is a good introductory piece.

We’ve bound it in what turns out to be a handsome volume, with the same style as our new cover of Human Action. It is perfect bound with a nice spine, and extremely handy. It sells for $2 with generous volume discounts, so that way you can have 20 or whatever around to give anyone who is interested.

Think of this as a tool. However, the package is so appealing that you might find yourself reading this essay many times over.



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(based on 1 review)

Showing 1 Review:

by Robert
on 3/13/2010
from Dardenne Prairie
The Place of Economics in Learning
I bought two of these mini-books, one for myself and a second because I try to be optimistic. Having read it today I ordered another fifty. Government cannot grant freedom; the responsibility for that belongs to us. This book is a wonderful introduction to those who are trying to take responsibility for their lives. It is the perfect pocket companion to liberty.   
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ISBN 9781933550664
UPC 193355066X
Publisher Ludwig von Mises Institute
Publication Date 2010
Binding PB
Page Length 56
Dimensions 4" x 5"

Classical Liberalism and the Austrian School - Digital Book
Every student, scholar, and freedom fan must have a copy at hand, readying them for intellectual battle!
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