Some topics covered: - Why central planning has never worked and never will
- How prices operate in a free market (and why socialist schemes like rent control always backfire)
- How labor unions actually hurt workers more than they help them
- Why increasing the minimum wage is always a bad idea
- Why the free market is the best guard against racism
- How capitalism will save the environment — and why socialist countries were the most polluted on earth
- Raising taxes: why it is never "responsible"
- Why no genuine advocate for the downtrodden could endorse the dehumanizing Welfare State
- The single biggest myth underlying the public's support for government regulation of business
- Antitrust suits: usually filed by firms that lose in free competition
- How tariffs and other restrictions "protect" privileged workers but make other Americans poorer
- The IMF and World Bank: why they don't help poor countries
- Why the industrial revolution was the biggest boon for the middle class in human history
- Plus: Are you a capitalist pig? Take the quiz and find out!
Study in the Austrian School tradition. This product can include all the materials needed for the course. The core materials are selected by default. ...
Do you ever watch the business news and think: what would Murray Rothbard say about this?
The brilliant economist Robert Murphy has come to the rescue!
Another entry in the best-selling, irreverent, hard-hitting Politically Incorrect Guide series! Economics from a rational, conservative viewpoin...
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