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Politicization of Society, The

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This attack shows how statism represents a drive toward de-civilization.
List Price: $18.00
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The most famous essay in this great collection is Murray Rothbard's "Freedom, Inequality, Primitivism and the Division of Labor"--perhaps the best explanation of the division of labor ever written. This attack also shows how statism represents a drive toward de-civilization.

Edited by Kenneth Templeton, this is an indispensible collection for anyone who wants to discover the full range of serious and sophisticated assaults on statism by modern libertarian intellectuals.


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14 essays on the consequences of state management for society and economy: "State and Society" by Felix Morley; "Egalitarianism and Empire" by William Marina; "The New Despotism" by Robert A. Nisbet; "Politization and Political Solutions" by Jacques Ellul; "Liberty and Law" by Giovanni Sartori; "The Masses in Representative Democracy" by Michael Oakeshott; "History as Force" by Donald M. Dozer; "Official History" by Herbert Butterfield; "The Monstrosity of Government" by John A. Lukacs; "The Guaranteed Economy and Its Future" by Jonathan R. T. Hughes; "Violence as a Product of Imposed Order" by Butler D. Shaffer; and "Kinds of Order in Society" by F. A. Hayek.
ISBN 9780913966488
Publisher Liberty Fund, Inc.
Publication Date 2010
Edition 1st
Binding HC
Page Length 544