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Reflections on the Failure of Socialism

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The struggle is still for freedom; the main facts are still economic; the arch-enemyis still the soft-headed idealist who refuses to face facts.
Price: $8.00

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During the time from the Bolshevik Revolution through the early 1950s, Max Eastman was one of the most famous political writers in America. He began as a radical and looked upon Lenin with favor. After a long struggle he saw Lenin was a dogmatist guilty of great crimes, and socialism was a recipe for disaster. Eastman devoted many years to combating the system he had once foolishly favored, and Reflections on the Failure of Socialism is the record of his assault on socialism and his defense of the free market.

Given the author’s unique background, the book has insights you will not find elsewhere,
and even readers of Mises, Rothbard, and the other great Austrian economists will gain much from it.


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ISBN 9781610167215
eISBN 9781610167246
Publisher Ludwig von Mises Institute
Publication Date 06/25/2020
Binding PB
Page Length 130