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Review of Austrian Economics, Volume 9

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RAE Vol 9 print edition
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Murray Rothbard had long dreamed of an Austrian academic journal. In 1986, his dream came true. The Mises Institute published it, and it changed everything. The Austrians could focus on internal development, highlight the contrast with the mainstream, and show their wares to the profession and the world at large.

Rothbard was an exacting editor, and results are spectacular and historic.

The individual issues have been nearly impossible to find, until now. Today you can own the entire set, learn from the pioneering articles that Murray and his co-editors saw as crucial, and see what gave the modern Austrian movement its scholarly momentum.


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Jörg Guido Hülsmann

1.Free Banking and the Free Bankers

Salim Rashid and Abdus Samad

2.Portfolio Management of the Free Banks of Illinois:
An Examination of Historical Allegations

Walter Block and Kenneth M. Garschina

3.Hayek, Business Cycles and Fractional Reserve Banking:
Continuing the De-Homogenization Process

Pascal Salin

4.The Myth of the Income Effect

Anthony de Jasay

5.Hayek: Some Missing Pieces

David W. Boyd

6.Vertical Restraints and the Retail Free Riding Problem:
An Austrian Perspective

II.Notes and Replies

Leland B. Yeager

7.Rejoinder: Salerno on Calculation, Knowledge, and Appraisement

Joseph T. Salerno

8.A Final Word: Calculation, Knowledge, and Appraisement

Hans-Hermann Hoppe

9.Socialism: A Property or Knowledge Problem?

Jeffrey M. Herbener

10.Calculation and the Question of Arithmetic

III.Review Essays

Roger W. Garrison

11.Keynes Was a Keynesian

Murray N. Rothbard

12.Intimidation by Rhetoric

IV.Book Review

13.Murray N. Rothbard, Economic Thought Before Adam Smith (vol. I) and Classical Economics (vol. II)
Reviewed by Leland B. Yeager

Dedicated to the Memory of Murray N. Rothbard

From the Editors

Peter G. Klein

1.Economic Calculation and the Limits of Organization

Pascal Salin

2.Cartels as Efficient Productive Structures

Thomas J. DiLorenzo

3.The Myth of Natural Monopoly

Jesús Huerta de Soto

4.New Light on the Prehistory of the Theory of Banking and the School of Salamanca

George Selgin and Lawrence H. White

5.In Defense of Fiduciary Media—or, We Are Not Devo(lutionists), We Are Misesians!

Roger W. Garrison

6.Central Banking, Free Banking, and Financial Crises

Richard E. Wagner

7.Who Owes What, and To Whom? Public Debt, Ricardian Equivalence, and Governmental Form

Israel M. Kirzner

8.Reflections on the Misesian Legacy in Economics

ISBN 9781610161688
eISBN 9781610165457
Publisher Ludwig von Mises Institute
Publication Date 2009
Original Publication Date 1995
Binding PB
Page Length 356
Dimensions 6" x 9"