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Science, Technology, and Government -Digital Book

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Digital Edition
In this brilliant monograph Rothbard deftly turns the tables on the supporters of big government and their mandate for control of research and development in all areas of the hard sciences.


In this previously unpublished manuscript, found in the Rothbard Archives, Rothbard deftly turns the tables on the supporters of big government and their mandate for control of research and development in all areas of the hard sciences. What R&D should be encouraged and funded, what inventions should be supported, and what areas should be given research grants, etc.? These decisions can only be decided by markets unburdened by government meddling and intervention. Rothbard shows that science best advances under the free market: the claims to the contrary of the centralizers are spurious. The best course of action for government is to get out of the way ...


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eISBN 9781610166386
Publisher Ludwig von Mises Institute
Publication Date 7/20/15
Page Length 128

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