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Tu Ne Cede Malis Premium Fitted T-shirt

Average Rating:
A shirt for the bold. Do not give in to evil, Mises's own personal motto: 'Tu Ne Cede Malis'.
List Price: $15.00
Price: $14.95


Set the conversation with the newest t-shirt from the Mises Bookstore. "Tu Ne Cede Malis, Do Not Give in to Evil," is the motto and standard by which Ludwig von Mises lived his life, and an example every man should aspire to follow. The perfect shirt to tweak the socialists of both parties.

Wear the shirt and live the motto!

NOTE: These shirts run about a size smaller than you are used to! If you normally wear a large this will be a tighter fitting large. so if you like the shirt loose then order one size larger than normal.


Average Rating:
(based on 1 review)

Showing 1 Review:

by Robert / Econ Circus
on 8/20/2022
from Maple
Must buy!
I've bought most of the t-shirts from Mises but this shirt is my favorite! It's Next Level apparel, nice, form fitting, the cotton feel is wonderful. 

I wear it with my grey/blue Rothbard "Enemy of the State" hat, it's a great combination for anyone serious about Ending the Federal Reserve.
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