Introduction by Jörg Guido Hülsmann
1. The Early Evolution of Mises’s Monetary Theory by Jörg Guido Hülsmann
2. Why was the Reception of the First Edition of Mises’s Theory of Money and Credit so Lukewarm? by Amadeus Gabriel
3. Böhm-Bawerk’s Influence on Mises’s Typology of Money by Malavika Nair
4. Mises and Value Theory by Mateusz Machaj
5. Ludwig von Mises as Currency School Free Banker by Joseph T. Salerno
6. The Influence of the Currency-Banking Dispute on Early Viennese Monetary Theory by Matthew McCaffrey
7. The Regression Theory as Conjectural History by Gary North
8. Expansionist Monetary Policies and the Trade Balance by David Howden
9. The Subsistence Fund in Ludwig von Mises’s Explanation of the Business Cycle by Eduard Braun
10. The Inter-Bank Market in the Perspective of Fractional Reserve Banking by Nikolay Gertchev
11. Modern Business Cycle Theories in Light of the ABCT by Philipp Bagus
12. The Monetary Theory of Current Textbooks in Light of The Theory of Money and Credit by Renaud Fillieule
13. Mises’s Theory of Money and Credit: Arguments Against Central Banking by Thorsten Polleit