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Free Market Economics: A Reader

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A one-stop primer in economics that includes the best economic writing she had run across.
List Price: $22.00
Price: $15.00


Bettina Bien Greaves put this volume together as a one-stop primer in economics that includes the best economic writing she had run across. In some ways, the choices are brilliant.

They are arranged by topic to cover the division of labor, prices, profits, property, competition, saving and investment, environment, antitrust, money and banking, advertising and marketing, and more.

Authors include Read, Mises, Bastiat, Greaves, Kirzner, Watts, Hazlitt, and many other writers.

Each essay is short and to the point. It still makes a great primer!


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by Lynn Schott
on 6/2/2010
from Irvine, CA
Free Market Economics: A Reader
I use this excellent book to teach Free Market theory to high school students. The text is inexpensive, easy to read and understand, and contains writings from many of the great Austrian thinkers. I know it's a great reference because the students don't complain about reading it.
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ISBN 9781610160582
eISBN 9781610165464
Publisher Ludwig von Mises Institute
Publication Date 2007
Binding PB
Page Length 298
Dimensions 8.5" x 11"

Essentials of Economics
This really ought to be considered a classic. It was published first in 1956, and had a massive impact in Latin America.
Price: $10.00
Free Market Economics: A Reader - Digital Book
A one-stop primer in economics that includes the best economic writing she had run across.
Price: $5.00
Free Market Economics: A Syllabus - Digital Book
This little gem is a complete economics education for high-school age students.
Price: $5.00