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Defending Liberty: Essays in Honor of David Gordon - Hardcover

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David Gordon is a powerful intellectual champion for liberty.
Price: $25.00


David Gordon is a powerful intellectual champion for liberty, who understands with the great classical liberal, historian Lord Acton that liberty is indeed the highest political end. He takes his task of defending liberty seriously. He does it with wisdom and style, and we have all benefited by it.

All of the essays in this Festschrift are concerned in various and complex ways with the cause of individual liberty and of a society in which people practice moral responsibility through exercising their own choices. All of these essays seek to explain and defend liberty, and in so doing, honor the work and life of David Gordon.


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ISBN 9781610167482
Publisher Ludwig von Mises Institute
Publication Date 07/24/2022
Binding HB
Dimensions 6x9

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