Basics and Applications
1. Overview of the Schools of Economic Thought
2. Entrepreneurship
3. Profit/Loss System
4. The Capitalist Function
5. The Minimum Wage
6. Price Gouging
7. Price Controls
8. Regulation
9. Licensing
10. Monopoly
11. Antitrust
12. Unions
13. Advertising
Persuasion vs. Information
Waste vs. Efficiency
Concentration vs. Competition
14. Speculators
15. Heroic Insider Trading
16. Owners vs. Managers
17. Market vs. Government Provision of Goods
18. Market vs. Command Economy
19. Free Trade vs. Protectionism
Military Self-Sufficiency
Protection of Domestic Industry
Employment Protection
Diversification for Stability
Infant Industry
Cheap Foreign Labor
Money and Banking
20. Money
21. Inflation
22. The Gold Standard
23. The Federal Reserve System
24. The Business Cycle
25. Black Tuesday
26. The Great Depression
27. Methodology
28. Labor Theory of Value
29. The Trade Deficit
30. Economic Class Analysis
31. Justice, Property Rights, and Inheritance
32. Cost Push
33. The Phillips Curve
34. Perfect Competition
35. The Multiplier
36. The Calculation Debate
37. The History of Economic Thought
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