Economic Theory

This category will let you dive as deep as you possibly will want to go into Austrian Economics. Masterworks such as Human Action by Mises and Man, Economy and State by Rothbard will light your way.
Displaying 1 - 12 of 100 results
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Antitrust and Monopoly
Is antitrust law a necessary defense against the predatory business practices of wealthy, entrenched corporations that dominate a market? Or does anti...
Price: $18.95
Antitrust: The Case for Repeal
This 100-page tour de force rips the intellectual cover off antitrust regulation to reveal it for what it is.
Price: $10.00
Austrian Macroeconomics
Garrison explains in graphical terms the difference between simple Keynesianism and the disaggregated approach of the Austrians.
Price: $6.95
Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought - MP3 CD
Murray Rothbard traces economic ideas from ancient sources to show that laissez-faire liberalism and economic thought itself began with the scholastic...
Price: $3.00
Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought  Volume 1
This is Economic Thought Before Adam Smith
Volume 1 of Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thoug...
Price: $14.95
Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought (2 volume set)
Murray Rothbard traces economic ideas from ancient sources to show that laissez-faire liberalism and economic thought itself began with the scholastic...
Price: $39.95
Austrian School of Economics - Audiobook
Click on the Audible or iTunes links to the right to purchase the fully functional audiobook, with true audiobook capabilities such as resume a...
Price: $3.75
Austrian School of Economics - MP3 CD
The culture of 19th century Vienna, and the striking innovation that came with Carl Menger’s subjective theory of value. A thrilling account of the s...
Price: $3.00
Austrian School of Economics Photo Album
The Family Album of the Ludwig von Mises Institute
Price: $2.00
Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle and Other Essays, The
Booms and busts are not endemic to the free market, argues the Austrian theory of the business cycle. 

Saving gets us genuine growth, ...
Price: $9.95
Basic Principles of Economic Value
If you ever wonder precisely what it is that Austrians mean by subjectivism, this is the book to read and understand.
Price: $14.95
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